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"Harnessing Resilience, Healing Minds"

In-person/virtual therapy for individuals, teens, and couples in Canada. CRCC is available across Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Newfoundland, Nunavut, North West Territories and Yukon. 

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Therapy Session


Welcome  to our practice that is dedicated to the promotion of cognitive resilience.  In line with our collaborative approach, we strive to empower and encourage you to take an active role in your therapeutic journey. This involves honoring your unique learning style, processing, and empowering you to voice your feedback and direction. As we navigate through life, I want to assure you that we are committed to standing beside you, so you never have to walk alone. Together, let's affirm our cognitive resilience to conquer life's obstacles! 

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You're not broken but you are stuck.

Sometimes life just gets a little hard. Sometimes we feel lost and don't know which direction to go in. Sometimes it even gets overwhelming and it feels like there is no end in sight.


At our practice, we believe in the inherent strength and resilience within every individual. The quote "You're not broken but you are stuck" is a reminder that feeling overwhelmed or trapped in certain patterns does not define your worth or potential. It acknowledges that while you might be facing challenges, you possess the inner resources to overcome them.


Our role is to support you in untangling these knots, guiding you towards clarity and empowerment. Therapy is a collaborative journey, where we work together to unlock your capabilities and help you move forward with confidence and hope. You are whole, and we are here to help you rediscover that wholeness.

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Shaila Anjum


Clinical Director


Registered Psychotherapist, Registered Behaviour Therapist, MACP, BASc


The name "Cognitive Resilience" was chosen with great care and intention. Resilience is not something that comes easily; it is a path that requires dedication, support, and understanding. At CRCC, we emphasize the importance of empathy and compassion in fostering resilience, both in our clients and within our team. How can we expect our clients to build resilience if we do not first offer them a foundation of empathy and support?


Growing up, I faced my own mental health challenges, navigating the complexities of balancing two polar opposite cultures. This unique journey made me deeply observant and curious about the reasons behind our behaviors, thoughts, and emotions. In many ways, I was a therapist in training throughout my life, driven by my own struggles to seek understanding and clarity. I learned how to break down complex issues and create clear, actionable paths to improve my own mental health.


At CRCC, we are committed to treating each person as the unique individual they are. Our goal is to provide a safe, non-judgmental space where you can express your concerns and work towards healing. We believe in the power of personalized treatment plans, tailored specifically to meet your needs and goals. Through processing, understanding, and implementing effective psychotherapy techniques, we aim to guide you on your journey of transformation and growth.

I understand firsthand how crucial it is to feel connected—to therapy, to your therapist, and ultimately, to yourself. Many of the concerns we address revolve around building self-love and self-care. We meet you where you are, recognizing that everyone deserves a specialized approach to their mental health.


Not only do I bring my own experiences and lessons to my practice, but I also mentor our therapists to embody the values of CRCC. Together, we strive to create a clinic that makes you feel safe, understood, and connected to the world around you.


Thank you for considering us as a part of your healing journey. We are here to support you every step of the way.

Shaila Anjum

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Meet the Team

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Complimentary Phone Consultation

20 minutes by phone 

$0 [FREE]

50 minutes 

Video, Phone, In-Person


Couples Counselling

50 minutes 

Video, Phone, In-Person


Couple with Laptop

Family Counselling

50 minutes 

Video, Phone, In-Person


PLEASE NOTE: We do offer sliding scales (discounts/reduced fees) based on individual needs. We believe it is crucial to make mental health services accessible to all. We will work with you to ensure you can access the support you need. If we are not the right fit for you, we can always provide recommendations. This can all be discussed during a complimentary consultation call.


People respond to different styles of therapy. We find the approach that is best suited to you and your situation.




Discover our therapy options and specialties on the website.



Book a free 20 minute consultation to discuss your needs.




Book your first session and start your healing journey


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